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Painful periods? Could it be adenomyosis?

Adenomyosis Guide

Have you ever heard of the term adenomyosis? We know that reading and writing can be a little difficult. But despite being a medical condition that affects many women around the world, this painful condition remains relatively unknown. If you've found yourself struggling with Adenomyosis, we understand.

With symptoms such as weight gain, bloating, and fatigue, Adenomyosis can have a major impact on daily life. So, what do we know about this complex situation? We have prepared an article about the important points you need to understand about Adenomyosis, from its causes and symptoms to diagnosis and treatment.

What could be the causes of adenomyosis?

As with many conditions in the reproductive system, there is no clear cause, but Adenomyosis only occurs in women of reproductive age because it needs the hormone estrogen to grow (a little good news, it will go away on its own once you reach menopause - which is little consolation if menopause is still a ways off ...)

Research suggests that previous surgeries, inflammation of the uterine lining after birth, and some conditions that may occur in the uterine lining tissue during fetal development may be contributing factors to the development of Adenomyosis.

Adenomyosis is most common in people between the ages of 30 and 50.

Signs and symptoms: Adenomyosis swelling, heavy bleeding, weight gain, and fatigue.

One of the most well-known symptoms of adenomyosis is 'dysmenorrhea', that is, very painful menstrual periods. Pain can progress beyond cyclical pain during menstruation into a chronic, debilitating daily intense pain.

Abnormal uterine bleeding, heavy or prolonged menstruation can occur in 40-50% of women with Adenomyosis and can lead to anemia due to excessive blood loss.

Another common symptom of adenomyosis is a feeling of fullness, abdominal bloating, and an increased need to use the toilet.

Exercise can be difficult for Adenomyosis patients with this condition. As a result, weight gain may occur as a secondary symptom.

How is adenomyosis diagnosed?

Let's start with the fact that diagnosis can be difficult. Sometimes your doctor may feel that your uterus is tender or enlarged during the examination, but usually an ultrasound performed by a specialist will play an important role in the diagnosis.

Sometimes, your doctor may order an MRI to confirm your diagnosis; this type of imaging provides a more detailed picture of soft tissue and muscles than ultrasound or x-rays.

What happens if adenomyosis is left untreated?

In advanced stages of adenomyosis, heavy and abnormal bleeding conditions can often worsen. This can be associated with physical and psychological stress. Living with daily pain affects your work, relationships, and long-term health. Heavy bleeding can lead to anemia and fatigue, not to mention the risk of becoming addicted to painkillers and the cost associated with lost work time and treatment. Some women have difficulty getting pregnant and need to see a specialist. If you have the symptoms listed above, make an appointment for an early check-up as soon as possible so that your doctor can help before the disease progresses further.

How can you manage adenomyosis pain and symptoms?

Adenomyosis symptoms, such as weight gain and fatigue, can be reduced with lifestyle habits such as:

  • yoga and meditation
  • Balanced, healthy diet
  • Good sleep
  • avoiding smoking
  • regular exercise

However, apart from the lifestyle changes above, you should definitely contact your doctor to get medical help and evaluate treatment methods, which may vary from medication to surgical intervention, with your doctor.

Only you know your body, so if something doesn't feel right or is interfering with your ability to go about your daily life, don't suffer in silence - speak up!

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