What you need to know about your period blood color
Whether you're getting ready for your first period or you've had your period for a long time, there are a few things you need to know about the color of your period blood. Of course, menstrual blood is something of a taboo subject, but isn't it time to normalize this blood issue as much as menstruation? Additionally, this is a very important indicator of your health.
But let's get back to the basics first. During your period, your body expels the lining of the uterus. Menstrual blood comes from the uterus and flows through the vagina into your menstrual underwear.
Is the color of my period blood normal? What Should the Color of Menstrual Blood Be?
Your period blood can range in color from cranberry red to pink and brown. We're about to uncover all the facts about why. For a summary of everything related to menstrual blood, see Dr. We met with Natasha Andreadis. (we know - we're just as excited as you)!
Should the color be that of fresh red blood? Basically any of the colors bright red, dark red, light brown, dark brown, black can be expected. Bright red blood is because it has oxygen in it, while brown blood (similar to your mother's morning brewed coffee) happens because it takes time for blood to travel down your uterus, pass through the duct, and then into your period underwear. If your blood comes out completely dark brown during your period, there is a problem because you should definitely see bright red blood.
As always, if your periods are limiting you with pain or if you experience bleeding between periods and/or sudden changes in the color of your menstrual blood, it is always better to consult a doctor to see what is going on.
Gray or blue menstrual blood? OK... RED ALERT . It's not healthy or normal. Leave those blood color tones in pad ads...
What Causes Black Menstrual Blood?
Black menstrual blood may occur due to the accumulation of old blood in the body. This may occur at the beginning or end of the menstrual period. Black menstrual blood is a color that occurs as a result of blood remaining in the uterus for a long time and oxidizing. However, when black menstrual blood occurs, it is always important to consult a doctor. Black menstrual blood can sometimes indicate infection or other health problems.
What Should the Consistency of Menstrual Blood Be?
The consistency of menstrual blood should be similar to that of normal blood. Except for conditions such as clotting or hyperliquefaction, the normal consistency of menstrual blood is usually runny and fluid enough to flow through the veins. The consistency of menstrual blood is usually liquid, but can sometimes be mixed with clots. This is normal and not something to worry about. However, if very large clots or too many clots occur, it is important to see a doctor.
Why Is There Too Much Menstrual Blood?
The amount of menstrual blood varies from woman to woman. However, heavy menstrual blood along with symptoms such as excessive bleeding, long periods, or extreme pain may be a sign of an underlying health problem. These may include uterine fibroids, polyps, hormonal imbalances, or infections. If you experience these symptoms, it is important to consult a healthcare professional.
What Causes Menstrual Odor?
Increased moisture and bacterial growth in the vaginal area during menstruation can cause an odor known as menstrual odor. To reduce this odor, it is important to shower regularly, choose cotton underwear and follow hygiene rules. Additionally, sanitary pads and underwear like Modibodi can also be used to reduce menstrual odor.
Period odor is caused by changes in the vaginal pH balance and is normal. However, if there is a foul odor or an offensive odor, it may indicate infection or other health problems. In this case, it is important to consult a doctor.
What's in My Period Blood?
Have you ever wondered what strange mixture makes up your period blood and how it affects its color? Apparently, proteins from vaginal fluid, cells in the lining of the uterus, what you eat, and if you have an infection can affect the color of your menstrual blood. For example, lighter period blood (think pink) typically indicates blood combining with other vaginal/cervical fluid at the beginning or end of the period.
As for clots (denser, darker clusters), Dr. Andreadis; I really think there should be no clots in women. A good cycle should just be fluid. Fluid and easy-flowing. Well, if you notice a lot of clotting during your period, you should check what you eat and your fluid intake. For example, do you drink two liters of water a day? However, if you have frequent, large clots, talk to your doctor right away!
In conclusion; Menstruation can present different experiences for every woman. Factors such as the color, amount and consistency of menstrual blood may also vary. However, if you experience menstrual-related symptoms or health issues, it is important to consult a healthcare professional. Additionally, sanitary pads and underwear like Modibodi can make you feel more comfortable and confident during your period.